"It was a pleasure working with you over the years and it look forward for any future opportunities to work with you again.” Jan 2018, M. N., Advantage Austria, Vienna Chamber of Commerce & Industry


“You are an instrumental partner to our strategy for start-ups and a member to the yet unofficial steering committee of the University in that respect.” July 2017, D. C., Associate Professor & Dean @ MODUL University Vienna 


„Ich wollte mich nur bedanken und sagen dass unser Gespräch für mich sehr hilfreich war. Ich habe gleich gestern mit dem delegieren an gefangen und es hat ganz gut geklappt. Übung macht den Meister.“ November 2017, I. L., Marriott Hotels Austria 


„Ich hoffe unsere Wege kreuzen sich bald wieder.“ December 2017, K. S., Fachverband Hotellerie, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich


“Thanks a lot for your great work!” July 2017, U. G., Lecturer @ MODUL University Vienna 


„Vielen Dank für deine positiven & motivierenden Worte – war mir wirklich eine Freude Euch bei mir zu haben.“ Juli 2017, M. D., Gastgeber @ MOXY Vienna Airport  


„Vielen lieben Dank für das erneute Promoten unseres Beitrages. Ihr Unterstützung ist für uns wirklich sehr wertvoll!" L. K., Account Manager @ Academy Cube


So eine Mitarbeiterin wie dich kann ich mir nur wünschen!!!“  Mai 2016, W. H., Tourismusschulen MODUL 


“Thank you for these valuable insights!  Wow, very inspiring indeed!!” March 2016, H. E. S., Sacher HotelbetriebsgesmbH


“I will try my best in the Four Season’s interview!! … You have helped me a lot in my future career path already, is time for me to prove It!!” July 2017, R. C., Alumnus @ MODUL University Vienna


"I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for helping me for my future career and to understand my personality. Moreover, thank you for your advise that you gave me during the YHS event, to list out 5 things and not to be regret what I had missed during my life. Your advise motivate me and give me a clear aims what I want to achieve in the future. You are right, fight for my dream and be confident to myself, thats is my strength. Once again, thank you so much for guiding me and I did learn a lot from you." May 2017, H. K. C. R.,  Student @ MODUL University Vienna


"Your advice and words were very motivating, just, and helpful! After a positive first interview with the resident manager at the hotel, I am now scheduled to discuss projects further with the general manager of the establishment. …. I am very pleased with how this situation is unfolding, and I wanted to thank you. …” March 2018, J. G., Alumna @ MODUL University Vienna


“Thank you very much for the help! I am applying for a Masters in Creative Event Management. It will be exclusively online, so I will also be able to work anywhere and get a degree at the same time." June 2017, P. N., Alumna @ MODUL University Vienna


“I just wanted to sincerely Thank you for absolutely everything you have done for me, from helping me decide on what job I want to look for and focus on, going through all the cover letters and my CV, to listening to me and calming me down the last time. 

Afterwards I was able to finish everything in my thesis as I was supposed to.“ June 2016, J. S., Alumnus @ MODUL University Vienna


Thank you for aiding me in an ever challenging period of my life. Your help was not only invaluable, but your assistance and presence was a truely motivating factor for me, in difficult times. I am starting a job in a startup here in Switzerland, it is a really interesting environment where given the chance I beleive I can excell, and that is very important, as you said, passion is the difference between a job and a career…. ” Jan 2018, Alumnus @ MODUL University Vienna 


“I wanted to thank you for all of your help thus far and for passing my information along to your contact. I truly believe that I am a good fit for a consulting position and know that I would enjoy this type of work." October 2016, L. D., Marriott Hotels Austria

projeCt management REFERENCES

"Aufgrund ihrer raschen Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen und der Marke Sacher hat Frau Förster das uneingeschränkte Vertrauen des Sacher-Managements genossen." August 2018, H.E.S., Leiter Sacher School of Excellence & Quality Manager


"Vielen Dank für die tolle Kongress-Woche! Es hat großen Spaß gemacht mit dir arbeiten zu dürfen! Du bringst eine unglaubliche Ruhe mit und kombinierst sie in der richtigen Situation mit einer professionellen Bestimmtheit!" Jänner 2016, D.S., Rooms Division Manager @ Steigenberger Herrenhof


Loved it!” December 2017, Student @ MODUL University Vienna


"Kein Kongress ohne Geraldine, `Hani's zweites Gehirn' :)   Zuverlässigkeit, Einsatz und Hilfsbereitschaft - unbeschreiblich". P.S., Rooms Division Manager @ Mercure


"Was mich wirklich beeindruckt hat, ist Deine Art in den stressigen Situationen immer ruhig zu bleiben. Es gab ein paar Momente, wo ich mir vorstellen kann, dass Du innerlich gekocht hast, aber man hat nichts davon gesehen oder mitbekommen." Jänner 2016,  K.V.P.


"Frau Förster lernten wir als äußerst verantwortungsbewusste Persönlichkeit kennen, die sich mit großer Einsatzbereitschaft und Enthusiasmus für ihre Projekte einsetzte." Jänner 2017, H.E.S., Head of MODUL Career @ MODUL University Vienna


"Ms. Foerster has demonstrated a very professional attitude and a detailed approach towards her projects." October 2010, E.K., Regional Director Europe @ London School of Business & Finance


"Geraldine Foerster is immaculate in personal presentation, reliable and trustworthy. She always strives to do her best for both, client and colleagues." September 2006, P.K., Director of Events @ Le Méridien Piccadilly & Café Royal London


“I have seen list of guest speakers for your event series 'Latest Trends and Innovation in International Management'. Congratulations on making it so exciting!” February 2018, V. T., Student @ MODUL University Vienna