What is

COACHING for success

Passion is the difference between having a job or having a career.


If you know your strengths and if you know how to market yourself, you already have the entrance ticket to your success. But only with courage, creativity, endurance and commitment true success can be reached and remains. 


Firstly it is essential to specify your personal definition of success. Often it is given a number, what is important, but a personal difinition of success should state more than just €€€. 


Goals are set, pre-requisites defined, synergies found and partners in crime are quested in Géraldine's individual and group sessions. The process is based on international standards and personality tests. Coaching sessions are then created individually. Especially in this area Géraldine's inventive genius is limitless. She lives her motto "I am your partner to success!" and you can feel it.

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."

Oscar Wilde (Irish author)


Starting into retirement is similar to finishing university. 

One has much learned, is inspired, many doors are open and choices about what to do next seem endless. Everyone around is talking positively, but really the situation feels uncertain.


Getting a professional who is coming from the business world, who has entrepreneurial spirit and is strong in realization, is a true benefit in this moment of one's life. Géraldine is such a partner in change. She has strong empathy, but is not a therapist. It is all about the key elements, the capstone. One's vision and it's realization. At every age.


Retiremet is still a delicate topic. Géraldine wants to break this tabu, and make a positive impact.


At GF Success the retirement coaching process is similar to the career Coaching. Pre-requisites are checked, circumstances are used intelligently, the goals are defined and the vision comes. Now part two, the realization starts step by step towards a productive, financially secure and happy retirement - or second career.